Monday, February 9, 2009

Response to Ian's post on the publishing industry

While the rise of technology is directly correlated to the death of the publishing industry, it does not necessarily have to put an end to publishing and editing industry altogether. Most people say they do not read because they do not have time, not because they do not want to. If technology is going to make reading an experience of convenience for these readers, perhaps more people will begin to read again. In this case, books sent directly to media still need to be edited and go through most parts of the publishing business. The ability to obtain free things to read online, however, is worrisome. I enjoy nothing more than the smell of a ‘real’ book and the sound of freshly opened binding, but I can easily understand why readers are choosing to go digital. Theoretically, if reading is more convenient, more people should read, and the demand for books online should go up. Once again, this is only a theory, and, in practicality, it will probably make people lazier than they already are. However, the possibility for a ‘new’ type of publishing world exists. It’s up to current and future readers to decide where and when to read.

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